International e-Conference
Agricultural BioSciences 2008

(IeCAB 2008)

Important Dates

29 February 2008. Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts, posters and power point presentations. Send all materials to secretary with carbon copy to All entries will be reviewed and comments sent to authors. Please address any corrections or issues pointed before re-submitting your paper.

30 April 2008: Deadline for re-submitting the corrected abstracts and papers
June 2-16, 2008: e-Conference exhibition rooms opens.


Participants can make their contributions in English, French or Portuguese. The conference secretariat will endeavor to translate abstracts and posters to English. Contributions for exhibition in the e-Conference room should be prepared in one of the following formats:  

  1. Abstracts in MS Word
  2. Poster format
  3. Power point presentations.
Full papers can be written from any of the above presentations and all papers (7- 8 A4 pages length, single spaced, Arial Font 12) will be published in a special volume of the peer reviewed online Journal of Applied BioSciences. Graphic images in presentations should be high quality but compressed to reduce space requirements.